It's alright to insult your tank if they are bad

I insulted a tank for the very first time yesterday. We were in Stone Vigil, I was grinding my Monk. He was very nice at the start, saying he was new and was going to watch the CS which I would never have a problem with. Everyone sold watch the cutscenes.

Anyway the tank died in our first trash mob. Whenever this happens I check their gear to see who is at fault. I noticed he was incredibly undergeared (level 38 weapon and pieces of the Cavalry set from Brayflox), but I decided not to say anything and see how the run would go. I accidentally pulled a mob when I turned the corner because I had headphones in and didn't hear if battle music was playing and thought the tank pulled. This was obviously my bad, (I learned my lesson, no more spotify) and I apologized when we wiped but the tank kept making sassy little comments about it during our next few trash pulls.

Hate was flying all over the place and he was dancing a lot which is obviously frustrating as a Monk. I politely asked him why he was dancing so much and he was confused. I followed up saying that it's hard for me to nail my positionals when he's moving and turning the mobs. He then sassily responded with "I'm not just going to stand in an AOE." I told him I've seen tanks dodge every AOE perfectly without moving the mob ten feet away and repositioning them.

I decided it wasn't worth the time and I was better off doing hunts so I made a comment about him being squishy, undergeared and dancing too much and left. I never, ever do this and feel a bit bad, but he just was not listening to anything I had to say and tried to make me seem like an idiot when he was far from perfect himself.

/r/ffxiv Thread