Alternate American Elections 1932-1956 (AWTR timeline)

Presidential timeline with Ideological descriptions:

Alphonse G. Capone/Joseph P. Kennedy Sr: 1933-1939 (VP replaced).

• Ideology: Progressive corruption fueled Social Democracy and Liberal Conservativism respectively.

Alphonse G. Capone/Henry A. Wallace: 1939-1947 (President dies in office before impeachment trials are started).

• Ideology: Progressive corruption fueled Social Democracy and more wholesome Progressivism respectively.

Henry A. Wallace/Insert VP here: 1947-1949.

• Ideology: Progressivism and insert Ideology here respectively.

Robert A. Taft/Howard P. Lovecraft: 1949-1950 (President assassinated).

• Ideology: Paleo-Conservatism and Aristocratic WASP Nationalist diet Socialism with a Progressive Conservative coating respectively.

Howard P. Lovecraft/Richard M. Nixon: 1950-REDACTED.

• Ideology: Aristocratic WASP Nationalist diet Socialism with a Progressive Conservative coating, and corrupt Moderate Conservatism respectively.

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