What moment in your life was so unrealistic it felt like a movie scene?

Met a woman last summer, supermodel hot. She told me she was attracted to me. We began dating. She got pregnant, we decided on an abortion. I couldn't be with her in the clinic due to COVID but her best friend would text me frequently with updates and details. A couple months later we broke up.

A month after that, I was contacted by her ex-boyfriend. The first thing he says to me: "did you fall for her pregnancy scam?"

We met and compared details of our experiences - we were able to determine she faked a pregnancy/abortion with both of us just 5 months apart. So we went to the police and she's now facing multiple felony charges for false representation/theft by deception.

Oh yeah, one more thing - her best friend who I'd been texting with for months, she was a fabrication. My girlfriend had been using a burner phone number to create a second fake identity.

Fucking sociopath.

/r/AskReddit Thread