Papini Family Values

You know, Teflon, I see many of these same defects in Sherri as you do: dishonest, deceptive, materialistic, entitled, bigotry, etc. But I tend to believe she got this way from her upbringing at home (probably lots of disfunction in the household) rather than because of her upbringing in California! Someone on here that knows Sherri stated that Sherri felt her mother was -- I believe she said things like cheap, trashy. (Cue Pearl Jam's Don't Call Me Daughter). I believe she probably grew up in a house that openly voiced their disdain for Mexicans - that's where she likely learned her bigotry. As for her appearance, yes, she seems to have had an unreasonable amount of vanity. However, lets be honest, if she was carrying extra pounds, she would have been destroyed on this site for that - picking low hanging fruit and all.

It seems to me that Sherri has underlying issues that made her do the things she did and those issues affect how she lives and the choices she makes. I find it all intriguing. I would love for a psychiatrist to chime in on this site and give us insight into personality disorders.

I do not have any disdain for her and I will not insult her, her family or the state of California and its residents. Don't take Sherri and her exploits so personally - most of us are probably simply here to solve this puzzle and understand why people do the things they do and wonder how we would react if in their situation.

I found some of your PFV list to be very funny, but some of it not too deep. WHY is she all those things you list????? That is the question I believe.

Oh, I am Catholic (grades 1-12) and only have a rosary in my drawer - nothing on the walls. But I do talk to HIM in my mind throughout the day and prayers at night. No Catholic church though anymore because I was disgusted about the pedophile thing and how the Church handled it. But I still consider myself Catholic.

Oh, maybe you aren't aware but there is Porn EVERYWHERE on the internet - not only on California's internet!! Please don't ever type in words like 'dick' or 'wiener' or 'sex' in the search bar or you will NEVER recover - my Catholic ass promises you that!!!

/r/thepapinis Thread