i am so depressed guys.

I've mostly stayed inside smoking weed and play video games w/ the curtains drawn,

Cananbis and/or alcohol and self isolation are pretty much the worst things one can do while depressed. Beyond that Cannabis and Setrazine are known to interact int he body having all sorts of side-effects... the combination may be making your depression worse for all anyone knows.

As the others have pointed out, plese seek counceling in the university... if your first thought is "whats the point" then thats all the reason you need to go.

Get out of the house! whats the point? Well atleast you arent moping around home and can concentrate on something other than your depression. Excercise, activities etc can help alleviate the symptoms greatly. However, seek counseling if not outright medical assistance.

Is it raining and freezing cold outside? 1 am with clear skies? Still better than staying indoors. Hell, we've had auroras for the past week or so to look at if looking for an excuse to go out.

Either way, please seek counseling, what can it hurt when it can help?

/r/Fairbanks Thread