I am doomed as a senior

Wow I’m in the same exact position as you, and seeing the number of people who are also in the same position is actually astonishing to me. I’m supposed to be graduating this year, but unfortunately I’ll be finishing around November of 2023 with Flex which isn’t as bad considering a lot. It’s not the best feeling I guess to finish school this way, I constantly feel like a failure to myself and to my family. Especially when I’m constantly ruminating about the future. All I genuinely want is to finish school but take things more seriously, more than I’ve ever have. I hope we can all persevere and become our best in the long run, with enough diligence, patience, and in the end it will all be worth it. A phrase I came across not so long ago : “Comparison is the thief of joy,” I believe can apply to this as well. I’m also constantly comparing myself to my siblings that have graduated with a normal diploma and also my old friends, it brings me down, but it shouldn’t. Something like this shouldn’t bring you down or make you feel less than. Hope everything goes well and (early) Merry Christmas (if you celebrate it) :)

/r/FLVS Thread