I am horrible at singing. How can I collaborate with a vocalist who is actually good ?

I wouldn't;t room my eyes at you and sadly, it doesn;t really help how good your music is, mine is fucking awesome and the other musicians I work with, their music is even better. The world is overly saturated with artists right now. Its not good music that gets recognition, its music that has promotion and money hebhind it. FULL FUCKING STOP.

By the way, sure you can se this as cynical but its just relasitic.

So who do yo plan on pitching it to. I'm a producer, all my music friends are. If you mean a big time producer, dude, go for it but again, be prepared for NO reply. When you do get replies they will be rejections until you have a large following beucas thats' simply the only people they invest in now or ever. You HAVE TO remember than The Beatles were playing fro years before recognitions and before the world knew who they were they already had a large following I Liverpool and they too, suffered tons of rejection.

If you r=truly are serious about this liek me and mine, rejection is part of it. The first one hurst, make you doubt yourself. Then you'll get one who take the time to explain to you EXACTLY what I just did about your fanbase. If it's non existant why would they incest in something they see no return from. Music is art, but the music industry is simply business like any other.

I'm telling you, your best option is to do this and sure it might not work but thats life but I know enough about all this as I've been at it fucking ages now to fill you in, no bullshit.

  1. Work on you music first. You need at least 3 good quality songs, this you say you almost have so a vocalist is priority number one.

  2. Network like crazy, where I see almost ALL people under 30 fail and people who are just starting off mid 30's and beyond succeeding is the younger people think of themselves as an unheard star... and like wtf? That's not just dreaming big, thats kinda delusional. Unless you actually have fans, people who like your music you haven't learnt that ego but young people of course haven't have reality crush their ego yet and they still have enough suspension of disbelief to be able to see themselves as cool.

People over 25 realise that other decide if you are cool or not, not you. Anyway, go to fling your persons youtube vid, find one linked here even and you'll see they don't reply to comments, they put thematic out there and expect an instant following (They take years to build typically, don't look at the exceptions to the rule like Bieber as the rule) Almost everyone you know and like put in a few years at least of no support before anyone heard of them.

"First they ignore you, then they laugh at you, then they listen to you" or however that goes but its the pattern. If you can;t accept the first two, you'll never experience the 3rd.

Once you have over 1000 followers they MAY take you seriously then, your application or demo or whatever, but for every you or I there are people who legitimately think they rock, who are awful, flooding these people with demos in fact they hit them up more often cause they one one shit song, expect instant result so just keep doing that while the likes of you and I spend that time perfecting our craft. You're not even gonna reach their desk if they are a big time label s start with small ones, and then hope you get bought out by a bigger one. Again, the reality is before most people are on a big label, they are on smaller ones.

I hope this helps. I mean it as encouragement, not discouragement but this I shit is far harder than it seems you are expecting. If you want a fun a uneasy life, don't; be fooled a career in music is fucking hard work, its pain, its depressing for all of us but the very top few percent and that is often mostly luck as anyone who makes it eventually says in and interview.

The reason the admit that is to get to where they are, they have worked by then with people far more skilled and talented than them but perhaps not as pretty or charismatic and so struggle their whole life and instead of millions is scraping by like everyone else. Thats 95 or more percent of the world musicians.

I've finally got a real break coming up, and this shit is after a decade or writing hundred of tight songs, writing wise.

You got 5?

Its time to put int he work dude, thing about the results part alter or it simply want happen. Most rich people make it rich from hard work, fact, the lucky few who just come across money typically lose it very fast.

If you REALLY fucking want this every fibre of your being, get off here sing that shit with your horrible voice and enticed better musicians to work with you because even though their skills are undeniably better than yours your song is equally as good if not better than theirs.

And I'm telling you what I've witnessed not just lived, almost all of them drop off because of discouragement its only those whole make the music for themselves regardless of success and highly manufactured pop stars that ever make it huge. You're not the second, be the first.

All the best man,

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