I am a solid Democrat, but I want Kasich to get the Republican nomination.

What you mentioned is the key thing for me. Now, I am a Democrat and I am supporting Bernie Sanders. But I love John Kasich as well. Now Kasich and Bernie Sanders are quite, quite different on policy. So a lot of people might be wondering what I am doing here.

Simply put, I like Kasich. Does he agree with all my view points? Certainly not. But I am not looking for a president who is going to adhere 100% to what I believe. That's the problem, I think, we are experience in this country right now. People want a leader who 100% matches what they want, not realizing there are a lot of other people out there who have different viewpoints.

What I want is a LEADER. A leader who is going to do what's best for the country above everything else. Kasich is the kind of guy who is willing to work across the aisle for the best of the country, but still has a strong respect for preserving and maintaining the things that matter to him most.

Now those things he defends might not necessarily be things I agree with, but I commend Kasich for passionately believing in his views and his consistency. I commend him for focusing on policy and the things that truly matter. Sure, some candidates are passionate about their own views, but here's the key difference for me. RESPECT.

There are presidents who see themselves as a Republican President. Or a Democratic President. Simpy put, I think John Kasich would simply want to be known as the President of the United States. Sure, he might represent the Republican party, but he's one of the few who (Democrat or Republican) gets that he will be representing ALL Americans.

Simply put, he gets it. He understands there are other viewpoints out there in this country. And, while he might not agree with them or they don't align with his views, HE RESPECTS THEM. Sorry to get crazy with all the CAPS, but I want to emphasis that. I feel like if I sat down in a room with John Kasich and discussed policy, I might not agree with him on everything. And he would not agree with me. But he's the kind of guy, just by watching his town halls and debates, who would sincerely listen to what I had to say. He would CARE what I had to say. And, though he might not agree, he would respectfully listen and understand where I am coming from. That's a vibe I don't get with many candidates, Republican or Democrat.

And that's what I am looking for. Listen, I'm very liberal, but the there are a lot of great ideas out there on the other side, too. And I am open to them. But just because my viewpoint is radically different from others doesn't mean we can't sit down and discuss them like adults. I have friends who are strictly conservative. We talk politics. We disagree. But we get along and respect one another. And I think that's something missing in D.C. today.

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