i am trying to save the world from a satanic cult of pedophile cannibals...

Did anyone see the video of the human sacrifice at CERN? the guy who made it basically vanished now. he is probably dead. when he posted the video online - it caused such a huge stir that cern's own public relations department had to issue statements claiming, it was a "mock sacrifice" and attributed it to, a weird "sense of humor". okay, who thinks it is funny to pretend to sacrifice a girl? this is clearly a satanic ritual that was witnessed, and SIRN had to do damage control. SIRN isn't what they are telling you. it is opening portals into the realm where the dead await judgment. think about it. a black hole is the same thing as a worm hole. a worm hole is a portal. SIRN is making portals. i know it seems crazy but we need to understand the world governments, and the elite are hiding secret technology from us and have been doing it for thousands of years. this is the entire basis of the whole "Secret society", ghost nation of masonic satan worshippers. they think we are all stupid. are we.

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