An Irish politician (Richard Boyd Barrett): "What are the Palestinians supposed to do?!"


But also

Criticism of Israel or of the policies of the Israeli government is not automatically antisemitic. For example, anyone is free to reject or criticise the Israeli government's policy regarding the Palestinian territories. This happens in Israel, too.

What if you're just against slavery, ethnic cleansing and genocide no matter who does it or why?

The Anne Frank website would say this is not what's happening in Israel.

I suppose it isn't, yet. There aren't any gas chambers built. But if Israel doesn't want the Palestinians to exists what is the end game if not genocide? How do you just get rid of a people without, you know, getting rid of them. Is it to drive them into Egypt? Hope Iran takes them in? Seriously. I can't explain it.

I guess if the reason for all of this is Zionism then we have a problem. Because we should be able to criticize some country not wanting the people of another country to exist, but we can't criticize Zionism. So if Zionism is the reason behind it, I guess we have to support it. Hitler should have been anti-muslim and we'd all be so proud of him.

Whatever, someday China will take over and re-educate both Israel and Palestine and force them to make iPhones and we'll final have peace

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