Anders Hejlsberg on Modern Compiler Construction


After joining Microsoft, Hejlsberg led the company’s efforts in Visual J++ and Windows Foundation Classes (WFC). By pairing a highly
productive Java development environment with a Windows class library without the least common denominator problem of other Java frameworks, Hejlsberg helped make Visual J++ the most popular and most productive Java IDE in the late '90s."

Impressive. It sounds like he was on all the donkeys out there which left no meaningful trace in computing and wasted microsoft and other people time..

It was then that Hejlsberg proposed designing a new language that would be delivered synchronously with the .NET framework. "At the time there were two camps, debating what we were going to do," recalls Hejlsberg. "There was sort of the evolutionaries or the revolutionaries. I was pretty much in the revolutionaries' camp. I felt that it was not good enough to just modernize what we already had, or try to fix some of the problems. I thought we were at an inflection point, and the time was right for us to clean out the closet and build new, and get rid of all the old ghosts, if you will. Of course there was a lot of back and forth on that, and I was by no means the only person advocating this, but certainly I was part of that.

Did he work with AG to invent the internet as well ?

Hejlsberg's recent work on Language Integrated Query (LINQ), including support in multiple languages (C# and VB) and multiple data domains (objects, relational, XML, DataSet, and others) has helped establish Microsoft as a thought leader in programming language, object-relational mapping, and data/language integration. This work is breaking down the barriers separating the worlds of object-oriented programming languages, relational ? databases, and XML documents.

That's a joke. It's Erik Meijer (who left Microsoft as he was too 'revolutionary' ) who led the charge, as well as other people who can be found as author of those ideas. The idea was also worked on elsewhere by Wadler etc.

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