Anonymous members say proposed mask law enforced against them before governor's speech in Oklahoma

Why are people still dicking around with physical protests when you could be having a substantially bigger impact by demonstrating online? Here's a great passage from Swarming and the Future of Conflict:

This documented briefing continues the elaboration of our ideas about how the information revolution is affecting the whole spectrum of conflict. Our notion of cyberwar (1993) focused on the military domain, while our study on netwar (1996) examined irregular modes of conflict, including terror, crime, and militant social activism. Here we advance the idea that swarming may emerge as a definitive doctrine that will encompass and enliven both cyberwar and netwar. This doctrinal proposal relates to our efforts to flesh out a four-part vision of how to prepare for information-age conflict.

Think about it. In short, the government is moving forward while you people are sitting around with your collective thumb up your ass. Even if you had shown up and waved your little banners, so what? Whatever you do, it only makes sense to spend time where you get concrete, measurable results.

Anyway, fuck masks. You want a disguise that really delivers? Get yourself a Brooks Brothers blazer and some Tod's loafers--people treat you like a completely different person, and nobody's going to know you didn't buy it new. Seriously, try "passing for Establishment" sometime and see what a huge difference it makes in the way you experience life. It's a whole different world.

Personally, I don't feel the need to "express myself" with stereotypical radical clothes to know who I am. If you read works like "The Presentation of the Self in Everyday Life" you'll realize it's all socially constructed bullshit anyway, so why not make things easier on yourself? Something to think about.

/r/anonymous Thread Link -