How did you get that scar?

I drove to church.

I sing at an Episcopal chapel in the middle of a large national park. It was a wintry Sunday morning, but just warm enough to be raining... and suddenly the wind shifted and everything flash-froze.

At that moment, my car was about to descend a rather steep curve, lined with berms and pine trees on either side. Everything pretty much went to shit at that instant: despite carefully tapping the brakes, the car skidded, first one way, and then the other... then hit the berm on the right side, and plunged into the line of pine trees.

The combination of running up the berm and into the branches destabilized the car sufficiently to pull it onto the driver's side, smashing the wing mirror through the window and crushing the door panels. On its own momentum, it then rolled onto its roof and skidded the rest of the way down the hill, warping the frame in the process-with me still attempting to drive the damn thing.

I shut off the engine, grabbed the logbook, and smashed out the rest of the window. I climbed out, and-presumably due to shock-called the church first, then the State Police barracks. (In retrospect, the shock would also account for meticulously shutting off the car and getting out the logbook to bring with me).

It was only once the police arrived (about a half an hour later, as there were gigantic wrecks on virtually every road of consequence) that I realized that I'd messed up that arm: there was blood all over the damn place, mixed with the mud from the field and the frozen rain-and a chunk of the wing mirror housing that somehow penetrated two layers of woolen coat sticking out of my arm. It turned out that I'd managed to fracture the small bone in my left forearm; I may have instinctively flung it up when the car went over, but it's hard to say for certain.

Things have healed up nicely-the bruising is fading, and I'll be able to ditch the brace in a week-but there's now a rather impressive little gash where the mirror parts wound up.

TL;DR: Flipped my car on the way to choir and only later realized I'd come away with a memento jammed in my arm.

/r/AskReddit Thread