Another Friday Feel Good Moment...

I was just copying supporting facts from the sources provided to me. I never said it was any kind of slam dunk. However, at this point tomorrow is the 6 month mark. So I can basically say we are at that point.

To me, his mind does not exactly seem to be "as sharp as ever". At the very least he has a severe impairment as pertains to communication. His speech is garbled, out of order and self contradicting. From his tv appearances and debate he also seemed to trail far off from questions asked or not even answer the questions at all.

The actual statistics show that on average only 10% recover fully, 25% are left with minor impairments, a whopping 40% have continuing moderate to severe impairments, 10% require continuous nursing care and 15% die shortly after a stroke. Obviously he doesn't fall into the last two but the rest is up in the air.

Yes, he may have the best team of specialists to help him along his path to recovery. However, the political realm and life in the public eye can place a lot of strain on a person. That may not be the best place for someone of his circumstances to recover to the levels possible. He may have the best care in the world but even under normal Joe life circumstances his recovery is 100% up in the air.

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