As a gay democrat I'll never understand why democrats/liberals are quick to call out homophobia in Christianity but stay slilent on homophobia in Islam. I am yet to see a top democrat speaking out against Muslim parents protesting LGBT books in a Dearborn public school in Michigan.

Please don’t think people don’t care. Where I am, it’s not an obvious threat. I’m not saying it’s not an issue, but I haven’t personally seen it. I do have my own different threats against me. My daughter has her threats against her. My son has his threats against him, and none of these fights are related to sexual orientation, but we have our own trials. We also all fight for at least some of the things we see in front of us, but definitely not all. We’re all fighting our fights, and we fight other people’s fights when we have the bandwidth to do so. And sometimes we’re tired, and sometimes we wish there were more people standing with us in our fights. I’m an ally, and I’m sorry for what you’re going through. I’ve fought for, financially contributed to, and written my congresspeople about gay rights. I’m sorry if specifically not mentioning the Muslim religion is a hole in my understanding and support. Please know a lot of us are doing our best with the knowledge we have.

/r/democrats Thread Link -