Any advice on what to do when a guy (25m) constantly hits up your (22f) gf as a “friend”?

If you tell her you feel insecure about the situation and she doesn't take your worries seriously I'd get the fuck out. The "If it happens it's just meant to happen" mentality is something I can relate to all too well but I really can't recommend using that as an argument when you would have the chance to leave with dignity. I had that mentality when my subcounscious knew exactly what was gonna happen and it probably was a way to cope in the short term to dismiss the nagging fears. JUST LISTEN TO YOUR FUCKING INSTINCT CUZ IT SOUNDS LIKE IT'S TRYING TO TELL YOU SOMETHING Anyways every persons situation is different so take my recommendation with a grain of salt, good luck :)

/r/AskGirls Thread