Any extra stuff after completing NSMB2?

You say they will give your money back but charge you for the original game. You say this based on what? You said you've never even tried. I have friends who have worked at Gamestop and I have actually done this twice. I actually went to Gamestop yesterday after work to get another controller and I asked the employee about this. They told me they don't worry about losing the free game because most people won't go through the trouble of buying 100 something dollars worth of games just to return it and get 1 free. They said it's an incentive to buy the 3 games.So, what i'm saying is based on experience. The XB1 idea? I have no clue. I could see an employee getting irritated and refusing you service. You're not understanding the key point of all of this. Gamestop is giving you something for ' free '. You don't have to return things that are ' free '. You only return things you are getting money back on. Gamestop isn't doing this deal for YOU. They are doing it for THEM. Offering a free game brings in sales, tempts customers to come in and buy things. What if someone did the deal and only wanted to return 1 game because they didn't like it. You think Gamestop is going to say ' Oh no no no. You better bring in all the games! '. If they did that then they would lose all the money that customer had spent instead of holding on to what they spent on the other 2 games and letting them return 1. They're not going to make a complicated bunch of rules for the customer and say ' Ok, it's ok to return one game, keep 2 you paid for and the free one but you can't return 3 and keep the free one. ' I'm sorry you're so concerned with this but i'm enjoying my free games.

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