Any patch notes for the update that just came out?

EA just destroyed the image quality on PlayStation 5 again and it’s even worse than it was with patch 1.02 and I don’t understand why they pushed 1.04 and messed it up again when they had it looking great on 1.03………

This patch brought back the low resolution vrs bug which was fixed with 1.03 and it was looking amazing and now my PS5 downloads patch 1.04 and it’s blurry again with a major loss of details so much that you can’t see the lines in his health bar on the back of his suit anymore and the other glowing circle on his back is now blurry all the same……..

I don’t understand how they could Fuck this up again when they had it fixed with 1.03 and then push out a new 1.04 and bring the same problem back from 1.02

/r/DeadSpace Thread