Is anybody else worried about the rising cost of living? More specifically trying to rent in the area.

This area is still affordable compared to national average, but it's not as affordable as it used to be and that is die to two things a) everything in general everywhere has gone up in cost. B) this area has been one of the fastest growing areas in the nation since the 90s and especially has the last 5 years. That higher demand that the supply can't keep up with equates to higher prices. I don't know what you do for a living, but you have to always be looking to better yourself to keep increasing your pay. If you are not in a job or career to do that, I would suggest you find something that you like that you can do that with and get in it fast. You're still young enough to. You can't coast along and think general job experience and CoL raises are going to further your financial situation. I don't know your living situation, but maybe look into a roommate or renting an extra room to split rent. But right now, your biggest issue is what your making at your age. Do something about it or your situation is only going to get worse.

/r/Conroe Thread