Anybody see or hear about the Taylor Nolan tweets?

As a fat, queer, non-binary, Jewish sexual assault survivor these tweets hurt so much. I can only empathize with other further marginalized groups affected by this coming to light. I am so sorry y'all.

This reminds me so much of a friend I had in college around the same time. I just think about all the horrific "jokes" they would make about fat people, queer + trans people and Jewish people to my face because they thought it was super "edgy," especially when I went to school in a very progressive but very white city. Not being PC was very much a "not like the other girls" thing for them. Then I think about how I would just accept it. I knew it was wrong regardless of whether I identified in one of the groups or not. I feel so much shame for not standing up to them for fear of being made fun of directly or told that I was being too "sensitive," unless I felt there was another friend to back me up/back up friends who rightly called them out. As a white person I should have been more explicitly against their rhetoric and really regret my inaction.

I haven't been in contact with them in several years, but if I found out they had a huge platform where they spoke as an intersectional/anti-racist/sex positive THERAPIST without ever addressing this part of their past I would never believe an apology from them was real after evidence surfaced. I know people can change, I know I have in terms of speaking up when appropriate and lifting up others voices on issues I am not qualified to speak on. Taylor herseld seems to habe grown a lot as a person since those days but not deleting those tweets seems so off brand for her. I hope her apology is all about her taking accountability and not deflecting from the very real hatred(s) contained in those tweets.

Sorry for such a long rant. If it is inappropriate to post in this thread, I apologize and please delete it!

/r/TheBachelor_POC Thread