Anyone else cannot stand RHCP but absolutely love everything John does?

I have this argument with my friend who loves John's solo work but hates RHCP. John's said in a few interviews throughout the years that he feels quite strongly that the transference of feelings is communicated through the music, regardless of whether it's consciously received. I think the idea that his solo stuff is cosmic and profound but his Chili's work isn't just doesn't hold water. I think the reason a song like Scar Tissue is so universally loved is because everyone whether they realize it or not can hear the deep love and gratefulness in John's playing. I feel bad for people who can't listen to the RHCP because of Anthony. I think you're missing out on some of John's absolute best work. Also, people are way too hard on Anthony and his lyricism. Listen to Led Zeppelin's albums. There's a whole lot of cliches and repetition in Robert Plant's lyrics, tons of 'oh baby baby' and singing about women but no one holds that against him. Anthony undeniably brings a fresh expression to rock and roll. Personally, I don't want everyone to be the same. Also, would John have ever written such nasty riffs as Blood Sugar Sex Magik or Dani California without Anthony? I doubt it.

/r/John_Frusciante Thread