Has anyone tried nen IRL?

I can do that. I just need to get people's thoughts out of my mind, I know that it's completely real and possible, you feel your heart beat and you feel breath all over your body, it'll take time for me to be able to control it, I did say I'm new to it, so basically people think that they're something seperated which is not true, what I'm doing is making a deep connection with the element until I'm able to do it, when I visualize everything as water, the water will start coming to life and come out from my body, I believe since I'm able to do it there are many people who can and probably very good at it, but they're simply not willing to show it, it's something real, society is programmed to not be able to realize this, it's possible to know everything, cause science is just numbers and people understanding things on a certain pattern, that's why I think people are behind. You can see through the video I posted that it was not a trick or that I'm shaking the table, it's simply not from our physical world it's completely different, anyways when I say I can make my body stronger I wasn't high, cause it's body mind and spirit, I just focus on the spirit and visualize my whole spirit is coming into one part, and I once I do it whether you believe in it or not the part gets twice as strong than normal, like I feel completely nothing the part starts pulsing and vibrating it's very real, your heart will start beating faster than normal, it's not a mental thing, it's a real thing in nature that people aren't aware of, I still believe we live on a matrix where everything is possible. people are trapped on the matrix so they can't see that, I might be able to post some proof once I'm able to do it again.

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