Appealing a parking ticket?

Sorry mate, but you have about zero chance of the appeal working.

Some point in my sophomore year I parked in the Bevill lot one night to study for an exam. When I went to move my car in the morning before the exam the battery had died. I keep charger, air comlressor and the like in the trunk so it wasnt a big deal. I pulled the battery and set it up to charge in the student lounge while I was taking the test. I left the hood up, tools on the dash and a note saying it was dead and would be moved asap. Still found a ticket when I came out from the test at 9am. Appealed it with pictures. They didnt give a shit.

Most recently they put a bunch of tickets from years back (think 2011-2013) on my student account because my last name matched the vehicle registration. They were for my brother's truck, most before I even attended. Tried explaining that rationally to them and they just refuse to remove them. Im going to have to lay that shit if I ever need my transcripts. Its pure extortion

They literally dont care what you have to say mate. Im quite sure their "appeal" process is just a way for them to get a few more dollars out of you

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