Apply to become a moderator!

(Well, comparing my application to others length wise, I may have gone over board. But hey, what's the point of an application if I can be thorough?)

  • Are you older than 18?

Unfortunately, I am not over the age of 18. However, I don't see this as an issue for myself. If I meet the required skills, and show that I can be valuable to this community, then age doesn't matter.

  • What time zone do you live in?

I live in Eastern Standard Time (GMT -5)

  • What is your availability?

Even with school, I do spend a good part of the day lurking around the sub. Weekdays I will be free around 4 PM till 11 PM (EST of course). Weekends I'll basically have all day. So in general my availability won't be an issue for the foreseeable future. The only thing I'm anxious to see is how my schedule works out once I get back into "school mode".

  • How well do you fit our requirements?


I feel comfortable and confident in doing all of the jobs that may be expected of me.


The only criteria here I don't match is being 18 years of age, as I have previously mentioned.

As I have also mentioned, I spend a good amount of time on the subreddit already, so I will be able to spend sufficient time handling the tasks that have been given to me.

For the subs rules, I have a good grasp on them. I would be lying to you if I said that I knew every details regarding the rules in place, but I know enough to spot trouble whenever it arrives.

Finally, I do believe I'm an active and respected member of this community. I have been trading here for just over a year, and I have had a great time here. Whether that be from trading, talking with other users, or even helping people out. So I have no doubt that I meet this requirement.

Desirable Skills:

I have played Pokemon and hung around this sub long enough to know majority of the in game mechanics. Hacking and legality analysis is something that I do feel confident in. Just by a simple process of elimination by asking questions and using my prior knowledge, I can arrive to the decision of a Pokemon being legal or not. Of course, I'm only human, mistakes are bound to happen. Which is why it's a good thing we have so many other moderators to gather additional opinions from if need be. SV hatching is another thing I have read into and understand.

I do not have moderation experience per se, but I have been tasked as a leader many times in my life to know what it's like to be relied upon and be given the reins. Despite not having precise moderation experience, I am confident that I fit this criteria.

I have no knowledge of the new AutoModerator syntax. However, this is something that I'm willing to learn about.

Again, programming experience, not something I'm very knowledgable in. However, this is another thing I'm willing to set aside time to learn. This is different from learning about the AutoMod syntax, as this is a much more applicable skill for me to have. So not only will I be learning this for my job as a moderator, but I will be gaining an important skill which I can carry on with me for the rest of my life. Who knows, maybe programming is something I take a liking to.

For web design experience, this isn't something that I have exactly dealt with. But even prior to this application, using programs like photoshop and gimp is something that I've been interested in. So this would be a good excuse for me to finally learn how to use these things, and be able to help out with the sub's layout.

  • Do you have extra skills that could be valuable to the subreddit?

I'll say this, I am most definitely an asset to this sub. I'm trust worthy, responsible, mature, and various other things that you would want a person to be. Too bad this is all in text, because I'm a very convincing speaker :P. But all kidding aside, I bring a variety of skills that will help me (and the sub) in my potential, moderation duties.

  • What is one thing you would change on the subreddit if you had the power?

These aren't really things that I can change, but more so things I want to enforce. The first thing that comes to mind is more emphasis on users to read the wiki. So many issues and questions can be taken care of by reading through the wiki. If more users (new and old) read through the wiki then this community would flow smoother. As for how this will happen, that's tough to say. This isn't something we can force onto people, and if we did I feel that new users would be driven away because of it. Regular reminders is the best option for this.

One more thing that I would like to change, despite only being enforceable, is how people ask for proof. What happens too often that a new user comes in with some events that (s)he's interested in trading. When they make the post putting up their events for trade, they get bombarded with users asking for proof. The way people tend to ask, and the number of people asking to me is borderline harassment. This isn't something we want new users to experience. All it takes is one user to kindly explain that people here like proof and to ask how/where they got their events. This is something that will only be possible by regular reminders.

  • Do you strongly disagree with any of our rules? Why/why not?

I can't say I do. The mods here, and over the years, have developed a good set of rules that allows users to trade here comfortable without feeling troubled by them. No rule is asking for too much, and all of them are understandable.

/r/pokemontrades Thread