Are the shills still here? EXCLUSIVE: Torossian’s 5W no longer working with Bitfinex or Tether

I only read the last sentence because I realize I can't learn anything from you based on your first comment and your limited understanding. You're clearly being an asshole troll that's why I'm angry. This was your first message:

oh hey, you sound like you have proof of Tethers validity. Everyone else has some serious concerns which are not being addressed, maybe you would care to share that proof with us?

Patronizing, trollish, childish bullshit and you know it. Acting like you know the truth when you don't know jack shit. I'm sticking up for the innocent people that the shills on /r/tether have scared into selling their crypto at a loss for no good reason. If I would've listened to /r/tether I'd be fucked financially right now, but I didn't and now I'm back in the green. So fuck every single fearmonger in /r/tether using scare tactics to scare people into selling their crypto at a loss. Fuck them and fuck you too if you're one of them.

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