Are there any players whose games you hate watching, and if so, why?

I don't like to watch Winter, because:

1) He consistently smurfs in lower leagues and tries to justify this as "educating" his viewers. Obviously all his strategies are going to work in Silver or Gold league when you are a Master level player. Those people don't know how to deal with what you are doing and it makes everything you're doing look good. The bullshit he does wouldn't be nearly as successful if he played people of his own skill level.

2) He denies that smurfing is a major issue while it is in fact ruining the game for casual players. Not everybody has hours on end to spend playing StarCraft II. Some people might just want to play a couple of games in the evening after getting home from work against opponents of similar skill. Running into somebody like Winter smurfing it up in Silver or Gold will result in these players to simply quit playing for the day or even longer.

3) He is view botting. Based on the evidence and my estimates I think somewhere between 1000 and 1500 viewers are fake. I doubt he would get more than 200-400 viewers if he didn't view bot. Without the view bots he wouldn't be as high on Twitch on the streamer list and less people would tune into him. At this point he might be delusional also. When streamers like DeMusliM and NaNiwa barely get over 1500-2000 viewers during EU prime time it's so far beyond the point of logic that Winter would get even close to these numbers. StarCraft has a pretty hard core viewer base at this point somebody like Winter just wouldn't get that many viewers. The facts that he still fires up 1500+ viewbots daily is just insulting to this entire community.

4) He will take away opportunities from legitimate streamers with the release of Legacy of the Void around the corner. After the release of LotV a lot of new and returning fans will want to check it out. They will see Winter at the top of the streamer list whenever people like DeMusliM, NaNiwa, Destiny (maybe) and Stephano aren't streaming. Because of this he will take away viewers that otherwise might check out different streamers that have less viewers, and are in my opinion more deserving of a bigger audience, like Fenner, MorroW and perhaps some pro players both EU, NA and KR.

So yeah, fuck Winter and I hope more people get to know about one of the biggest pieces of shit our community currently has.

/r/starcraft Thread