My [27M] girlfriend [23F] cheated on me tonight after the Super Bowl . [ UPDATE ]

Of course she’s not innocent but that dude who took advantage of her has accountability as well. I feel bad for OPs girlfriend who’s getting some major hate in some of these comments. She was impaired and fucked up, she knows she fucked up, but she’s the one who said they had sex to her boyfriend while the other dude is denying it. I think that speaks volumes to the situation. It doesn’t excuse her actions if she willingly had sex, but I find it sketchy that the other dude won’t admit to it. He’s trying to paint the picture that she wanted it but he didn’t give in, where as if she has bruises, went to a hospital to get checked, and called OP in hysterics while drunk about having sex, it feels like it might have been the other way around.

/r/relationship_advice Thread