People who no longer feel interested in important days like your birthdays, Christmas, New year eve, etc... when did you feel that and why?

When I was in 5th grade, I had a group of friends, including my 'best friend' who were all 1 year ahead of me (they were in 6th grade, still the same school). For my birthday, I remember inviting them for a party at my house and no one showed up. I later found out they all went to my best friend's house instead. My birthday is in early December. For christmas that same year, I overheard someone from that same group tell my 'best' friend to not invite me to their christmas party because, and I can still clearly hear these words "dude, nobody wants him here". Pretty much cut ties with the group that same school year. My dad was never big on holidays or birthdays, and since 5th grade, I've followed in his footsteps, loathing holidays and birthdays alike. Also, my house was egged 3 halloweens in a row. So yeah, fuck celebrations.

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