Atatürk is a good commander, not president.

Maybe it’s because I don’t hold as strong convictions regarding religion as you, but yes I think they do represent a facet of islam. But so did Ibn-i Sina, so did Sinan the Architect, so did Khalid ibn Waled, so did numerous other İslamic figures. Islam isn’t your very narrow view of it. It is grand and different ways of intrepreting it can cause different beliefs. I’m not saying what ISIS do is true Islam, because there is not one “true islam”.

Also by your measures the last country that was ruled by true islamic ruled were the Ottomans, who by the 20th century were in crippling debt, massivelt behind in terms of technology and industry compared to other industrial nations and had one of the lowest literacy rates and highest child birth deaths in the world. Until Atatürk saved Turkey’s ass at least.

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