The biggest threat to the Federation was NOT the Borg...

So the guy that produced a Trans analogy episode and produced a show with a gender fluid main character, and then had probably the second lesbian kiss on TV, during a time when more than half the audience had issues with this subject, gets this type of things said about his legacy?

I was expecting a complaint about how the movies turned it into terrible action movies and the no risk taking approach to ST Voyager was going to be the talking point.

Next you are going to say that Gene Rodenberry sucked because the first interracial kiss on TV was a woman of color instead of a man. Note: He sucked for other reasons that he seemed oblivious too by the 1990s though.

It isn't that hard to produce a gay male character today, on a paid service behind a paywall.

Rick pushed that envelope on National TV when there were four stations available without a cable subscription.

Please keep in mind that the only gay people on TV when Next Gen started was Sean on the Real World on a cable network, Richard Simmons and Ru Paul. Then we had the Riker copout episode on Next Gen, For DS9's run, we had Will and Grace, Willow and Tara on Buffy, and DS9s Dax which was still a cop out compared to Buffy.

Where he messed up was on Voyager. He should have introduced the Will and Grace cop out level on that show for the ratings bump it might have gave them and the same thing with Enterprise. Probably just too scared to do it, but he should have.

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