AU Survivor S10E04

I want to download it now because links or subreddits have a habit of disappearing! It's not really that complicated of a idea.

And this subreddit has a no spoilers policy.

And this was not the norm. OP has kindly removed the offending information because it was posted in error.

And it was not tagged as a spoiler, so you can't blame the reader for accidentally reading it. It could have been additional information on how to download, of instance, or OP saying they won't post the rest of the week for whatever reason, or OP saying sorry for poor quality, or who knows... until you read it. That's the point of writing/reading; to convey messages. The reader doesn't know until they, you know, read it! Had the spoiler tag been used, I would not have read it; I would have simply downloaded the file without reading.

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