Avilo banned on twitch again. This time for good?

No. That's not it AT ALL. LOL.

The point is that Avilo is no longer needed, because the SC2 community got through the rough patch a few years ago, when Avilo was helping to carry the game, streaming wise.

Similarly, Batman was no longer needed at the end of "The Dark Knight", because Gotham made it through the rough patch, when Batman saved them.

So, we don't need Batman, or Avilo, because the threat has passed. We don't need their dark, immoral methods, because now we can survive without them.

But, we DESERVE Batman, and Avilo, because like Batman and Avilo, we are all sick. Society is Sick. Avilo and Batman are both bad people.

Where you misunderstood, was that you think batman is a good guy. He's not. He wasn't in the comic. Or in the movie. And he said so himself.


The joke may not be funny. But you certainly didn't understand it, then went on to belittle me based on your misunderstanding. That's COMEDY GOLD. I'm about to put THIS on /r/iamverysmart .

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