Aye capitan

The circlejerk of hatred surrounding Elon is more annoying than Elon. People act like he is trying to kill his workers. Sure, he doesn't exemplify the ethical "philosopher billionaire" people somehow expect him to be. He has flaws, he acts like a baby on Twitter, but people who project their insecurities onto hin are just as childlike.

I don't see people bitching about how Walmart or McDonalds treat their employees, probably because you consume their products. At least Musk has had a hand in progressing humanity a bit toward the right direction.

I get that he's an easy target and deserves the criticisms leveled at him. Reddit just loves to get on the bandwagon of trendy worship/hate, just to revel on the supposed moral high ground.

/r/suicidebywords Thread Link - i.redd.it