Anti-vax mandate policies prove to be no vote winner with Australians – this time

I've seen no conclusive evidence to suggest vaccines can stop omicron efficiently. Maybe ever no slightly but not enough to warrant taking an experimental drug that does have substantial sides. Best ways I've seen are washing hands( though overly washing can be negative) social distancing and you could argue masks though i think sneezing etiquette would be sufficient. Sorry emotional blackmail isn't an argument I'm aware of the people who have lost their life's I've never claimed the virus hasn't been deadly I'm saying its anyone's choice not to put shit like that into their body for whatever reason and to demonize them as "anti vaxxers" which people clump up with white supremacists etc is wrong. Imagine hating someone you've never met cause they don't want to take a vaccine which again doesn't efficiently stop the spread nor stops them getting it which again the media and Joe Biden told you it does is just fucking dumb

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