Canadian/American women, what’s your experience sleeping with men from other countries?

Yeahhh I should’ve worded my question better but I asked at like 12am last night and was very tired. I know you can’t really make generalizations about a whole country of people because men are different everywhere, but I was more asking if there was a culture of hooking up/one night stands with foreigners. I know there’s a bit of that here so I was curious if it was the same in other places. I guess really what I’m trying to ask is how the guy I slept with viewed me, if I was like an exotic fling to him probably or if he was like genuinely interested in me. Tbh I don’t really have one night stands ever so this is new to me I’m just trying to understand what his perspective is, but I guess that it would be better to just ask him directly than create this post on Reddit lol.

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