Why "bad writing" is such a dumb and lazy criticism

There’s an entire movement in the arts called post-modernism. It’s in music, literature, arts, etc and basically none of it “makes any sense.” I took a postmodern lit class in college in the late 90s. Read Crash, Talented Mr Ridley, Crying of Lot 49, etc . It’s all weird, “subverting expectations” type stuff. You might not like it. I didn’t really much either but it did make me think. And forced me to step outside of a book and how it was making me feel (annoyed, frustrated, exasperated etc) and appreciate it for what is was.

From wiki “Postmodernism is generally defined by an attitude of skepticism, irony, or rejection toward the meta-narratives and ideologies of modernism, often calling into question various assumptions of Enlightenment rationality”

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