>! Gameplay: Platinum. Story: STONE.

I'm going to vent here, because we can't post spoilers anywhere, but what in the world was that ending?

  • First: What the hell is an Arch-Eve? They throw Arch-Eve (Origin) and Adam this and that, and I get that's supposed to represent the heroine and hero of the Bayo universe before the timelines were changed, but they never explain it until the very end. I don't understand the "Darkness" that was the last boss. It didn't make sense for that to be there, especially after Singularity. And with Luka's sudden transformation, "Lukaon" and relevance to the story, it's made more worse.
  • Speaking of Singularity is pretty shitty in its delivery. It just pops out of nowhere, and just thrashes the entire thing. It did more damage to the (multi)verse than Loptr ever did. And the simple explanation to all of this was "research to inter-dimensional travel is pretty advanced" (aka, approximately 18 years, which is how old Viola is). I don't understand how a single guy with almost zero backstory was able to fuck all of this up at once everywhere.
  • Not to mention, Viola is the one who was the cause of all of this. She's the one who gathered all of the gears, and "fixes" things at the last moment--she doesn't. Still don't understand how they managed to get the Pixie powers, even though that's Luka's gist. And in the end, she's the new "Bayonetta". I'm sorry that they wanted to take a DMC Nero route, but she does not deserve the name at all, whatsoever. There's little to her development, and it feels like a slap on the wrist to Bayonetta, Jeanne, Luka etc.
  • Which, by the way seem to be permadead. For me, it goes 2 ways. Either (A) all of the Bayonettas in existence are wiped out, or (B) everything somehow goes back to normal, with Brave Bayonetta going to Inferno with Luka, whose chemistry seemed to be forced right at the last moment. There's no resolution to all of this. Everyone died (or rather, was wiped out of existence, and Viola's going to a haunted house.
  • The ending was so bad that I couldn't watch the Let's Dance Boys. I'm in love with the gameplay, but after all of this song and dance, I'm just going to take a break from this. - I was hoping for a happy ending, but this seems extremely shoved in with no purpose at all other than to make Viola the new MC.
  • Since this is Cereza's timeline, I'm sorry to say that I hope this happens in her timeline and then we pick up from Bayo2's place so that this can get retgoned.
  • Also, where is Loki in all of this? He's basically GOD (at least in Bayo 2's line), and he's nowhere to be found. ! <
/r/Bayonetta Thread