Ex harassment

I just had a miscarriage which was the result of a guy I had been seeing since January. We kept trying to let each other go all year but kept returning to each other for sex and it wasn’t right.

He wanted me to be happy with someone who was emotionally available and officially told me no in a way that was different…


The timing was horrible because I already thought and felt that I was pregnant. I waiting for my period to confirm before I told him but given he wanted to end things and sounded more serious than usual….like he sounded kinda hurt about his own behavior….I knew I didn’t have the time to wait to tell him.

So I told him I thought I was pregnant and I would let him know forsure when I either got my period or had a positive test.

It turned into the crazy spiral loop of me waiting for my period and not getting my period…getting negative test results then experiencing implantation bleeding…then getting positive results….positive results that faded to negative after 10 minutes. Still no period. And then one day it was super hot and I just started having a miscarriage.

I regret informing him about the ups and downs of my experience and didn’t plan on telling him until I knew for sure but that’s just not how it worked out. I felt like I was borderline harassing him by over sharing my findings.

But I never went as far as to say he was horrible and I wanted to self harm.

That’s next level and you should talk to your parents about it so they can guide you through this time and maybe call that prevention health line.

But point of my story is- sometimes timing can make things sound and seem like a lie but her miscarriage can totally be real….take it from someone who just went through this.

/r/relationship_advice Thread