Been thinking of replacing Artix with Void on my laptop...

Hi all,

Artix is pretty fast and cool distro, but it does'nt come with a utility like Snaptshot that could backup your updated installed. Because of this I preferred Antix or Mx-linux, both have Snapshot app. But I m watching any new progress from artix as it keep improving.

Void stability no doubts but also does not have Snapshot app and Synaptic Packager Manager which could help to ensure dependencies relevant for new user like me. Hoping LXQT be the next void official variant.

Initially, I had choosen Mx-linux but it boot-up takes longer and shutdown also longer and it 's not full systemd free. Correct me if I 'm wrong, being the reasons I would take on Antix when it has reach its fully stable release.

The above is only my opinions, please gives a hints of rope if you have any.

/r/voidlinux Thread