Behold! Anyone care to offer insight?

Kirk has the #3 base SEC, which means he will almost always be on a shuttle for you (his DIP is #115), and is main cast, which gives him lots of event potential. The Big Book Dartarus linked notes that Kirk's Arena ability provides 500% instant damage with a short initialization, which can make ship battles/Skirmishes go a little faster.

Q has the #26 base CMD and #72 base SEC. He does get a fair amount of events.

Tain has some Gauntlet value, with top 15 pairs for CMD/SEC (#9, 75% of the #1) and CMD/DIP (#14, 85% of #1) and periodic 45-65% crit (if memory serves), but his Voyage numbers are middling (in case you really needed Voyage help and were considering him for that reason) and the common skill set.

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