Important Message To Fans | 2 Bears, 1 Cave Ep. 163

This is the reaction he wants, you do realize that? I’m poor and mentally ill and I found this to be funny. I personally love when he looks in the camera and address people this way. 1. He’s right, don’t watch things you don’t like. 2. He was as poor as all of us. 3. Of course it’s a bit, but with some of his actual opinions and he’s right. People are going to have nicer things than me but I can’t go around being a bitter bitch about it.

Weird thing being scared defending the people this sub is about haha. I don’t ever want to share my opinion because I don’t like conflicts on Reddit but I think I have to now. I still very much enjoy them and their dynamic. But I’m mentally ill so haha-podcasts are the highlights of my week.

Piss on me. No, please don’t.

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