[S2][e1] Melisandre knew

That's part of the mystery

Oh man. What a clever way of admitting you don't have a logical argument to counter my argument. It's almost akin to "god works in mysterious ways".

Now you do say a lot of fancy words in a very convincing manner. Ill give you that. You ought to be a politician.

I'm also getting tired of repeating myself but you don't seem to get it, so I'm gonna try anyway.

People say words connected to "Gods" in real life. It doesn't mean anything. People said words connected to Zeus, Satanist say words connected to Satan when they claim the devil is punishing people. People can consciously say words that connect to their deity, it doesn't mean there's credibility to their claims. Which god is real?

Do we have or have had a cult of people who clearly are capable of magic in real life? Did all of these people worship the same thing? No. Stop making comparisons to real life.

Also there is a difference here that you don't seem to get. Melisandre has made things happen, she spawned a shadow baby. If catholic priests and only catholic priests were capable of magic, then I would think there were on to something.

There are other possibilities that do exist in the real world. Placebo, intentionally deception, intentional indoctrination, delusions. Any of these can apply because it's ambigious, it isn't just it's true or it's coincidence.

Placebo, deception and delusions doesn't change that fact that something is either true or wrong. Either the magic is caused by the red god or it is just magic caused by something else.

Now for the 100th billionth time. If it is "just magic". How come it is all connected to the red god. Where are all the shadow babies and resurrections that stem from other sources of magic?

All these magical people get their powers from the same source but you refuse to admit that the source exists. I could back your claim if we had other people doing what the red priests are doing but we don't.

I was never said that it was impossible that the gods existed, just that magic itself doesn't necessarily prove that they do, it proves magic exists

I'd support your claim if we had people of different beliefs/religions doing magic, but all the magic is connected to the same god. If magic isn't connected to the god wouldn't it be logical that all kinds of people with different beliefs would be capable of magic? Why are only this certain sub group of people all believing in the same thing capable of magic?

Your only weak argument against this is "That's part of the mystery".

To end this let me try this. I'll make one claim. It is your job to shortly prove that my claim is wrong.

The red god exists since only a small amount of people are capable of magic. The thing that this small amount of people all have in common is that they worship the red god. If magic was not connected to the red god it would be 100% logical to assume that people of different beliefs and religions would attribute this magic to their personal gods. If magic necessitates worship of a certain thing, how can you deny the connection and therefore proof of the thing's existence? If there is no magic without the red god, how are they not connected?

I won't take "it's a mystery" for an answer.

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