Is the bible actually anti-gay?

It's a tough call in all honesty (believe me, I wrestle with this).

At best the 'clobber' passages are subject to interpretation. It's been suggested (not confirmed) that the Leviticus 18:22 passage was an addition and not part of the original Levitical code (Digital Hammurabi has a video on that). Or that it was meant to interpret the act of male-male intercourse as part of either a pagan ritual or since stranger rape (what occurred in Genesis regarding Sodom and Gomorrah) was often used to dominate/humiliate (hence the term 'sodomite' and 'sodomy', which more than likely correlates to the act of dominating/humiliating), it might be seen in that light.

From a liberal/progressive view the NT passages have largely suggested people driven to group orgies, pederasty, 'soft' in terms of those living in luxury and prostitution, 'strange flesh' meaning those who sought to rape/'know' angels, etc...not confirming or denying the view just saying it's there. Also, much of what Paul says might have just been his own opinions and not divine narrative (who knows?). (^ for more information and MULTIPLE sides shown) (^ a more 'pro-gay' from a 'traditional' Christian- traditional as in Torah no longer binding-which in itself is controversial-perspective)

To me, at best (and at best I mean it doesn't condemn it and the verses were taken out of context) the Bible is silent on the matter. It never affirms it (excepting possibly the relationship between David and Jonathan, and even that could be a stretch) and anything that could mean homosexuality is spoken of negatively. This isn't to dissuade or demean (as said I wrestle with it myself, so its not like it brings me any joy saying it) but I prefer to be honest.

/r/GayChristians Thread