Billionaire Steven Schwartzfman : Middle class people are jealous and should stop blaming wealthy people for their problems. We should raise taxes on the poor so they have more skin in the game.

I love how 'neo-liberal' is the reddit buzzword of the month. I particularly love how often is it misused and tossed around like some kind of loaded weapon and becomes the root of all modern day ills.

Because the democratic party hasn't changed much at all. There are a certain portion of liberals who are seen as hyper liberal and that is the aspect of liberalism that has changed. This is the first time in the history of America that the idea of socialism has gained substantial steam (not counting what FDR did that could easily be constituted as democratic socialism) and so now, anyone who is just a traditional, typical liberal is seen as the 'OMG its teh neo-liberals!'

Good luck with the demonization though. To you and the others who misuse the term out of ignorance and lack of basic knowledge.

Whenever neo-con became a very popular buzzword on reddit (around 2006) their part WAS going further right and their leaders were pushing the party further right.

Clinton hasn't changed her level of liberalism in 40 years and she is effectively the party leader right now.

Case closed. But again, don't let facts and reason spoil the little anti-democrats sentiment.

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