Bitcoin would not be where it is without silk road. Support Ross Ulbricht.

"Every" sheriff & district attorney in the state of Colorado got together and decided they would no longer prosecute marijuana offenses and then they coordinated with an ex-cop and ex-judge who were at the forefront of getting a revolutionary campaign going that eventually turned into the legalization of marijuana in all of Colorado! Let that simmer in your heads a bit people. They ( police and district attorneys) told the federal government to fuck themselves and they won!

The people are not the only ones tired of the federal government blind eye to massive corruption. Ill quote a board member from "law enforcement against prohibition" " Keeping marijuana illegal doesn't do anything to reduce marijuana use, but it does benefit the gangs and cartels who control the currently illegal marijuana trade."

Its blatantly obvious that the war on drugs has been used to disproportionately target minority's and pack them into for profit prisons that have been mass incarcerating people sometimes with the help of corrupt judges!

More than 2.4 million people are locked up .. in Americas jails and the war on drugs is a big part of why America has more people in jail then the rest of the world combined! The 2.4+ millions people locked up is more then the population of 15 states! In some places minority's are 5 times more likely to be locked up for marijuana charges and its crystal clear that the war on drugs is as close as we are going to get to modern day slavery!

A part of what bitcoin is about is freedom and in my eyes as well as millions of other people there is nothing more important than stopping the war on drugs! It hasn't brought safety, it doesn't induce rehabilitation, it sponsors corruption, preys on the vulnerable and its the reason we have excessive militarization of our police forces. Nothing good has come from the war on drugs and after a trillion plus dollars, 40 plus years and hundreds of thousands of lives we are here!

This is bigger then Ross & SR! End the war on drugs! Stop the corruption!

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