1.5 year had passed. I'm still thinking about my "net worth" at November 2021 ATH and regret for not selling back then. How do you get over with the feeling?

Think about your net worth in 2031. We fantasize about the "what ifs". Focus on the "what is".

In a world that is increasingly becoming an economic dumpster fire, you are an early investor in fire extinguishers and s'mores supplies.

Leave it alone. Let it grow. Sleep well at night knowing that you are well prepared for the future.

I'm not just talking out of my ass here. I'm living this along with you. I retired early on my BTC. I, of course would love it to be a big flashy number so that my friends and family go "oohhh" and "ahhh", instead of WTF!

But, my losses are on paper only. It's still high enough to cash out a little now and then to pay the bills. And the future looks awesome!

/r/Bitcoin Thread