Blurred lines

Any time I have entertained ideas about conspiracies about doctors and about how we have special powers that are suppressed, it's because I was feeling a lack of agency and efficacy in my own life. We aren't "supposed to be" perfect and healthy. Our ancestors lived in caves and ate bugs and mostly didn't survive past 25 years old. We didn't even have any decent cognitive sciences until about 50 years ago, lithium only got approved by the FDA in 1970, if there is something the doctors don't know, it's because we are on the edge of the sword here, the tip of the spear.

Yes, people who have full-blown dopamine expressed in their brains are more creative and risk-taking and come up with more brilliant shit. But they also ruin all of their lives and relationships because you need a balance of chemicals and pathways to actually make good decisions. When you're high it's easy to say, I have special powers no one else has. But, you also have powers no one else wants, you see great things and potential and there are grains of truth to it, but you're talking about warlocks and conspiracies about doctors, the error correction of bad ideas is not what it could be.

Why would you tell anyone your diagnosis that is going to judge you? Why are you wanting to change the label? That's not important. What is important is science, and your symptoms, do you know the science, are you applying the tools. Science belongs to everyone, you can be a scientist of yourself, figure things out, read the latest science, come up with better explanations.

You said you attacked someone with your mind and they retaliated verbally. What probably happened is you were giving them a dirty look and they didn't like it and snapped on you. This is what I mean, when you are obsessed with the spiritual, you miss the obvious. Your doctor encourages your beliefs? I encourage you to drop your beliefs. Read books on belief like The Believing Brain by Shermer and Rationality by Pinker. I don't go around telling people not to believe in God, but people who are suffering from these cognitive problems that I lived with for my whole life, I think you should study cognitive neuroscience, skepticism, scientific theories etc, and get empowered by knowing reality. Don't try and empower yourself by tapping into the higher dimensions the doctors don't want you do know about mannnn... you're just setting yourself up for more delusions, you want to be weeding out any distortions constantly. CBT reality testing. There is material on CBT, ACT, MCT for psychosis out there, and we should all be training in it. Stay grounded, we are brains, this is a brain disorder, you are a brain, it's all gonna be OK

/r/schizoaffective Thread