Why I bought and why I am considering returning Massive Chalice.

Call it bratty if you want, but considering how much of a standard feature the simple ability to enter/change a name of heroes/squads/clans/whatever and/or pick an icon/banner/what-have-you from a predefined list of options is in other games of this nature... I didn't think twice about it until I was already in game.

I am the one playing the game, I'd like a little bit of input on the characters I'm going to be controlling aside from a bunch of families that other players designed. Would you want to play an MMO if you didn't get to name your character and when you registered your account you were given a choice of 50 names (some of which are completely asinine) that were put into the name pool by the first 50 people to sign up?

I have no attachment to these houses, they belong to other people. As I conceded in the OP, I would have been perfectly fine picking from these houses as supporting members of the party (I remember getting to pick up to 5 Houses) but at least 1 of them could have been a "Create-a-House."

You don't have to agree with my logic, but the simple fact is, the willful omission of a simple "Enter your house name" even with a predetermined un-editable banner from what I understand is little more than "Those guys paid me money." Is worthy of reversing my opinion on the game.

I'll very easily change my mind if they include the option in a future patch or release a DLC to add it later, until then. It's a no sale to me, and I want to put that on the table for the people it might concern to hopefully see, and to hopefully assist people who ARE doing their research in the future. It might not matter to you (in fact it's possible you're even one of the people who paid to have your House put in the game, I don't know) but not having any input on the character I am playing in an RPG like this is somewhat deterring to me. It's the reason why I like games like XCOM and Final Fantasy Tactics so much, the little extra bit of fun adding names to my units gives me more attachment to the squad I am playing.

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