Midnights Mayhem with Me episode 7 is out!

Hey from a fellow pophead. Honestly, I’m going to have to agree with what u/HeraRebels said. I understand a lot of people on r/popheads dislike Taylor, or at the very least don’t want to constantly be seeing news about her, and I understand that. I even go out of my way to not mention her because it makes sense to me that pop fans would like to have discussions about pop artists other than Taylor, that makes perfect sense to me. But I don’t understand why you’d visit her sub just to react negatively to her rollout. This sub is supposed to be a safe place for her fans to discuss and theorize together.

Not trying to start any drama here or insult you or anything, I just wanted to say that after my own year and a half of personal experience not mentioning Taylor often in r/popheads and keeping my opinions and thoughts on here on this sub, the least you could do is keep the pophead energy on the popheads sub.

/r/TaylorSwift Thread Parent Link - v.redd.it