Brides Kicks Friend out of Wedding because someone broke HIPPA and saw her husband might be a perv...oy vey

I’m so sorry that you have a father like that. Absolutely horrible.

I can confirm that the police/FBI don’t disclose information to anyone. My church was looking for a new reverend and we hired some guy from the next state over. Less than a year into accepting the job, the house he was renting got raided and he was arrested. His address in the prior state was raided more than a year earlier and he knew he was going to be arrested for CP, but he applied to the job at my church and accepted it anyway!

Asshole got 7.5 years in jail and had over 20,000 CP files on his computer and hard drives—many of which showed the assaults of babies and toddlers. At no point did anyone in law enforcement say anything to anyone at my church, including the women who brought their little kids to church all the time.

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